I'll miss the tooth dance, Grandpa, but I guess Grandma won't! The memories come flooding back; the miniature trains chugging around the garden, running to the playpark in the woods while you follow at your own pace with the dog, tinkering around at the patch with you and your beehives, teasing you about becoming a nun and listening to you rant about indoctrination, drinking good beer with you, Grandma and Pierre at The Bell, listening to your reenactions of jazz concerts.... I will always remember you with your shock of white hair and that large face, which while for some may have been grumpy, for your grandchildren always showed such love, pride and patience.
There'll be a 630 or a 640 (I never remember which) waiting to take you on with a whistle and in a cloud of water vapour, chugging on forever.... I doubt there's a heaven waiting for you and I reckon you'll be pretty chuffed to be proven right! I'll always love you Grandpa and your stories will be passed on to the next generation as best I can.
15th March 2021